What Everyone Should Know About Energy Healing

What Everyone Should Know About Energy Healing
Posted on October 17th, 2022.

Energy healing is a holistic practice that activates the body's subtle energy systems to remove blocks. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body's inherent ability to heal itself is stimulated. That definition is a lot to process, so here are five facts that can clear up any confusion or misconceptions you may still have about energy healing:

1. We've been studying the body's energy centers for thousands of years.

Reiki is the Japanese tradition of energy healing, and it dates back to the early 20th century. The seven chakras, the energy transmission centers of the body, were first described in ancient Hindu texts. Meridians, the energy superhighways of the body, helped lead traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to develop acupuncture.

These ancient cultures used different modalities to stimulate the body's natural ability to heal, but they all recognized the power of internal energy.

2. Energy healing is based on scientific principles.

We all learned in high school physics class that matter is made up of molecules. Even something that is solid, such as a table, is vibrating all the time. As humans, we, too, are vibrating.

When you say someone has "good vibes," you are really talking about that person's vibrational energy—and happy people tend to vibrate on a higher frequency.

Places have vibes too. When you walk into a room in which a fight has just occurred, you may feel a dense energy that makes you want to leave right away. The beach has a light vibe due to the salt (a natural energy cleanser) and moving air. The air at the beach vibrates at a higher frequency as well.

Energy healing is a complementary modality that shouldn't exclude any Western medicine you may be taking.

3. Anyone can benefit from energy healing.

Just as you don't need to understand the law of gravity before you can fall down, you don't need to completely grasp the concept of energy healing before you dive into the practice. Any time is a good time to visit an energy healer. I would recommend going in with an open mind for maximum benefit. If you are stressed, anxious, or physically drained, an energy healing session can help you relax and feel more balanced. And if you're already feeling good, it's always possible to feel a little better.

It's important to note that energy healing is a complementary modality that shouldn't exclude any Western medicine you may be taking.

4. There are many types of accessible energy healing modalities.

There are many types of energy healers, and you can find them practically everywhere. (You might even be an energy healer yourself!) When you're looking for an energy healer, remember that you have a right to be picky and ask plenty of questions before settling with a practitioner. If you are new to energy healing, consider starting your search by dropping by a yoga local studio or asking a friend who's into alternative healing to get a referral for a reputable practitioner.

There are many kinds of energy healing, and each one calls on slightly different tools and techniques. Here's a quick introduction to a few popular ones you'll probably come across:

Acupuncture: Acupuncture uses small needles to stimulate the flow of energy in the body.
Reflexology: This modality frees up blocked energy and promotes healing by stimulating pressure points on the feet, hands, and ears.
Massage: Yep, even massage is an energy healing practice. It releases tension in the muscles, encourages the flow of lymph, and allows for deep relaxation.

5. You can maintain your energetic health from home.

Just as you shower and brush your teeth every day, you should also be cleansing your energy regularly. Once you visit with an energy healer, keep the good vibes flowing by taking a bath in Epsom or pink Himalayan salts for 20 minutes whenever you start to feel the heaviness creeping back into your body. Smudging, or burning sage around you, can also help clear negativity from your energy field. And finally, high-vibe crystals have their own healing properties that can help give your energy a little boost.


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